Dermaplaning treatment per sessionPrice ₹5000.00₹3000.00 40% Off |
Dermaplaning treatmentThe great new dermaplanning treatment has recently hit the market. This treatment makes your skin look smoother and younger. Dermaplanning treatment creates deep, healthy looking skin using a medical grade microdermabrasion system. This is an excellent method to remove unwanted facial hair and helps prevent new hair from growing back. The use of this product is equivalent to removing your hair professionally. Dermaplanning treatment usually involves the use of a non-reusable plastic or surgical scalpel at an angle of approximately 45-degrees to remove dead skin and fine hairs - AKA Peach Fudge - from the face. Shaving is commonly associated with men, although women have also discovered the therapeutic value of this procedure, which is sometimes referred to as dermoplaning for men. It also helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. The new dermaplanning technique has many advantages over traditional methods. Unlike waxing, shaving is less painful for both men and women. Treatment does not require the exposure to painful bacteria or irritants found in shaving creams and aftershaves. Another advantage of this dermaplanning treatment is that it requires a single blade stroke compared to multiple strokes with traditional methods. Exfoliating the skin takes less time than waxing or pulling, which means it can be done in less time. Also, using exfoliating products such as exfoliators or masks can also cause blemishes and fine lines. Another advantage is that these products do not contain harsh chemicals or preservatives like other skin care products. They also help promote skin health and nourish skin cells. Another advantage of this new technology is that it can treat many areas of the acne scar at once. Most people have experienced successful treatment of both areas at the same time. A good example of this is the use of exfoliating products in conjunction with laser hair removal. The exfoliator removes dead skin, while laser hair removal removes the remaining scars on the affected area. As with any new beauty procedure, you should talk to your dermatologist before doing a dermaplanning session. These consultations will tell you the possible side effects, the length of treatment and how long to expect your treatments. Even if you think you know what you want in terms of results, talking to a dermatologist will give you more scientific information about what you are going to get from your treatment. |