What is Dermatslabs?

Dermatslab is a line of high-quality skin care products that blend the latest in skin technology with natural skin care ingredients. They're designed to treat a specific concern, whether that's to reduce wrinkles, get rid of stretch marks and many other applications. Think of them as an alternative to cosmetic procedures like Botox, with comparable results without the need and inconvenience of getting injections, dermabrasion and other things that people do to look beautiful. Dermatslabs products also stand out because they're formulated with no parabens and harmful synthetic ingredients.

When will I see Results?

Most Dermatslabs clients report noticeable results in the first 4 weeks of use. With that being said, Dermatslabs products are designed to reduce skin damage that has occurred over time. Wrinkles, stretch marks, scars and related skin trauma don't form over night, so it makes sense that you should give Dermatslabs products at least 90 days for best results, with ongoing usage to keep you looking your best!

How are Dermatslabs Products are different than common wrinkle cream at my local drug store?

Dermatslabs products are designed with a series of clinically proven patented peptides and active ingredients that are proven to encourage natural production of collagen, for thicker, vibrant skin. As well, with their blend of natural skin care ingredients like shea butter and beta glucan, Dermatslabs products may be safer than most anti-wrinkle and anti-aging creams.

How long will the product last?

This varies according to product, but each will last at least 30 days.

Will  Dermatslabs product trigger a rash or breakout ?

We've received no complaints to date, but bear in mind that everyone's different. If you have sensitive skin we recommend you test a small amount on your arm or jaw line prior to full application.

How long does the shipping take?

As fast as you want it to take! Want it tomorrow? You'll get it. In two days? We'll have it there. On a budget and prefer to take a slower route? We can do that as well.

Can I track my order?

We will send you the tracking code of the shipment when the parcel has been sent.

How do I know you have received my order?

After you have completed your order you will receive a confirmation email. Once we have reviewed the order, check for stock availability and dispatched your order you will receive another email confirming your delivery.

What information should I input when ordering?

Our online ordering system will ask you for the important information you should submit.

How can I change my delivery Address?

Sign in to your account and go to "My Account"  you can change all your contact information.

How can I cancel my order?

If you want to cancel your order. Read cancellation Policy(footer).